Q: Remo Sernagiotto (ECR, IT) and Raffaele Fitto (ECR, IT) - LIFE projects and tackling wolf-dog cross-breeding (2017-11-28)
Wolves cross-breeding with domestic dogs poses a threat to preservation of the wolf's genetic heritage...
Wolves cross-breeding with domestic dogs poses a threat to preservation of the wolf's genetic heritage...
What work has taken place on the implications of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union for pet passports...
Some EU Member States have been illegally importing puppies as part of an illegal trade deal. Only recently...
Four-week-old and younger puppies are being illegally smuggled using vehicles such as cars and minivan...
Regulation 576/2013 governs the movement of pet animals within the European Union...
There have been many reports of Montenegro’s problem with stray dogs and the subsequent cruel and inhumane...