Q: Davor Škrlec (Greens/EFA, HR) - Rules on non-commercial movement of pets on EU flights (2017-03-24)
The rules on pet movement options on non-commercial EU flights have been regulated differently by European airlines...
The rules on pet movement options on non-commercial EU flights have been regulated differently by European airlines...
Each year, 50 000 galgos and podencos are physically and mentally exhausted by cruel training methods and hunting races in Spain...
Funded by the Commission and published in March 2016, a study on the welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices found that...
In its response to Written Question E-011841/2015, the Commission stated that: ‘smuggling and illegal intra-union movements of pets...
The phenomenon of stray and wild dogs is particularly serious in southern European countries. In many areas of...
Each year, around 46 000 dogs are traded between one EU Member State and another, as are possibly an even higher number of cats...