The EU Dog & Cat Alliance, which encompasses almost 80 organisations from 24 Member States, last week recognised those organisations which make the largest contribution to making the mission of the Alliance - safeguarding the welfare of dogs and cats across the European Union - a reality.
The awards were introduced at the annual International Companion Animal Welfare Conference (ICAWC) where the Alliance marked its third anniversary at their Annual General Meeting. The winners were honoured through two awards: Alliance Member of the Year 2017 and an Award of Merit 2017.
The Alliance Member of the Year award recognises the most active member who has regularly contributed to Alliance initiatives through regularly attending meetings and adding to new research, briefings and campaigns whilst remaining prolific on social media. The award was presented to Lithuania Animal Rights Protection Organisation, led by Brigita Kymantaite.
The Award of Merit is awarded to an organisation which has displayed the same active spirit whilst acting in the confines of their more limited resources to contribute to the work of the Alliance. The winner of the award is Chats du Quercy, active in France and led by Lynn Stone.