Q: Mara Bizzotto (NI, IT) - Slaughtering of greyhounds in Europe (2014-10-23)
Every year, 500 000 greyhounds take part in traditional hare coursing in Spain. Of these, about 60 000 are killed at the end of the hunting season. From the moment they are born, the dogs are subjected to inhumane training methods and constant maltreatment; they live in crowded conditions in holes dug out of the ground and covered with tin sheeting. When a dog reaches a certain age, loses its agility or can no longer have pups, it is starved to death, abandoned with its legs broken, hanged, stabbed or shot to death. Despite complaints, no huntsmen have ever been arrested for these brutal acts.
Is the Commission aware of these facts?
What is it thinking of doing to put a halt to this brutality and protect the welfare of these animals?
A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (2014-12-18)
The Commission would refer the Honourable Member to its answers to written questions E-010625/2010, E-000841/2011 E-001043/2011, E-009212/2011, E-010202/2012, E-005475/2013, E-004661/2014, E-001003/2014 and E-007045/2014, which address the issues of greyhounds and the EU competence on this matter.