Can the Commission answer the following three questions:
1. According to current EC law, under what conditions may the authorities in Member States prohibit the movement of animals to other Member States by refusing to grant access to Traces or a Traces number in connection with animal movements?
2. In relation to Traces, is the Commission aware of breaches of current EC law in cases where Greek authorities refuse to grant access to Traces or a Traces number to Greek animal protection organisations and thereby prevent the movement of domestic animals to other EU Member States such as Germany?
3. If so, what measures is the Commission taking/has the Commission taken in the cases of which it is aware?
A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (2015-06-08)
1. According to Council Directive 90/425/EEC, where the animal health conditions laid down by Union legislation on intra-Union trade in domestic animals are not fulfilled, the competent authorities of the Member State of dispatch cannot certify the animals for the purpose of intra-Union trade and consequently cannot enter the intended movement in the computerised information system TRACES.
As regards dogs, in addition to the required individual animal health conditions (marking, EU pet passport, anti-rabies vaccination, clinical examination) the animals must come from holdings or businesses registered by the competent authority and be accompanied during transportation to the place of destination by a health certificate issued by an official veterinarian of the Member State of dispatch who should document inter alia therein the veterinary registration number assigned to the holdings or businesses of origin.
Member States decide about the access of operators to complete in Traces the description of the consignment in Part I of the certificate while the certification of the consignment in Part II of the certificate is to be completed by the official veterinarian.
2. The Commission is aware of complaints by welfare organisations claiming that the Greek authorities do not issue certificates for intra-Union trade in dogs.
3. The information available suggests that the alleged refusal concerns the assignment of a veterinary registration number to non-compliant holdings or businesses. On this basis, the Commission does not envisage any further measures.