Q: Rolandas Paksas (EFDD, LT) - Illegal animal smuggling (2017-10-30)

Q: Rolandas Paksas (EFDD, LT) - Illegal animal smuggling (2017-10-30)

Four-week-old and younger puppies are being illegally smuggled using vehicles such as cars and minivan.: The animals are bound and put into special boxes, where they do not receive food or proper care. In some Member States, the creation of forged animal passports, vaccination certificates and labels for the purpose of transporting animals to other Member States for illegal sale is a booming business, with some veterinarians also selling the sedatives used in animal smuggling. This creates the conditions for the sale and export of puppies earlier than is permitted by law.

What specific measures does the Commission intend to take in order to prevent the unlawful abuse of the Pet Travel Scheme for commercial purposes?

Has an investigation been carried out yet into animal smuggling? Are there specific statistics on animal smuggling in the EU, and is responsibility for the transport, sale and inhumane treatment of illegally smuggled animals addressed by European law?

Are there plans to implement a harmonised EU-wide dog identification and registration system?

A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (13.12.2017)

As the Commission pointed out in its reply to written question E-000420/2017, the enforcement of EU rules on the cross-border movement of dogs and cats (animal health requirements and protection during transport) is a responsibility of the Member States. The Commission has taken several initiatives so far to assist Member States in tackling illegal trade in dogs and cats and in particular the disguise of intra-Union trade as non-commercial movements.