The European Union has just approved a new regulation on transmissible animal diseases (Animal Health Law).
The animal health sector has lauded the move to have a single regulation, dealing solely with transmissible animal diseases, that reflects the current knowledge of animal diseases and addresses urgent and societal concerns, such as antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare.
Will the Commission embark on an EU-wide communication campaign to explain to all parties concerned the measures introduced with this new Regulation, thereby ensuring that the benefits of having a single regulation in this policy area is maximised?
A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (2016-05-25)
The regulation on transmissible animal diseases (the ‘Animal Health Law’) entered into force on 21 April 2016 and will apply in 5 years' time, after being complemented by detailed rules laid down in a number of delegated and implementing acts. Some provisions, however, will apply well after this time, for example those on non-commercial movements of pet animals.
The Commission will facilitate the implementation of this regulation via a number of means. This will include several actions to disseminate knowledge about the regulation and the detailed rules adopted on its basis in the years before its application, such as through meetings with Member States and stakeholders, most likely by providing training through the ‘Better Training for Safer Food’ initiative and by presenting the regulation at various agricultural, scientific and other events. Information about the regulation is, and will continue to be, readily available on the Commission's webpages and a leaflet is being drafted for wide circulation. The most intensive period for communication actions is likely to be between 2019 and 2021.