Q: Morten Messerschmidt (ECR, DK) - The puppy trade in the EU (2018-02-06)

Q: Morten Messerschmidt (ECR, DK) - The puppy trade in the EU (2018-02-06)

In Denmark a certification scheme was recently introduced with a view to guaranteeing decent conditions for trading in puppies and other animals. The scheme only applies in Denmark, however, and puppies are also traded across borders in the EU.

Could the Commission therefore state what initiatives have been launched to ensure that a high level of animal welfare is also observed when it comes to trading in puppies among Member States?


A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (2018-04-11)

As the Commission pointed out in its answers to written questions E-006758/2016 and E-000163/2017 which address the issues of the study on the welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices  and of the different standards and rules on the welfare of pets in the Member States, the welfare of dogs and cats, especially their keeping and breeding for non-commercial and commercial purposes, is not governed by EU rules and is therefore the sole responsibility of the Member States.

The Commission has currently no ground to launch any legislative initiatives in this respect.