Q: Jørn Dohrmann (ECR, DK) - Conditions in which pets are kept in the EU (2018-04-25)
Animals in agriculture are subject to strict controls and regulation with a view to achieving the highest possible animal welfare standards for livestock in European farming.
A number of reports about the conditions of pets in the EU suggests that it is perhaps time to look at the conditions in which private individuals keep their pets.
Has the Commission looked at the conditions in which pets are kept in the EU?
Does the Commission have an overview of animal protection cases in the individual Member States?
Does the Commission have any initiatives in the pipeline that are geared towards looking into the conditions in which pets are kept in the EU?
A: Mr Andriukaitis on behalf of the Commission (2018-06-15)
The conditions in which private individuals keep their pets in the EU are not governed by EU rules and therefore fall under the sole competence of the Member States.
As a consequence the Commission has not looked at these conditions in the EU and does not have an overview of the situation in the Member States. For the same reason the Commission does not envisage any initiative in this field.