Movements across Member State borders
Dogs and cats may be moved between EU Member States or imported from third countries for trade purposes. They may also be moved for other reasons such as movements for rehoming, participation in shows or exhibitions, holidays with their owners or relocating with their owner to another country.
Movements over country borders in this way can pose a risk to both animal and human health if measures aren’t taken to prevent diseases from being transferred between countries. Although existing EU legislation aims to minimise the risks of rabies, there are many other diseases which aren’t covered by EU legislation but which are of concern, such as leishmaniosis.
Where animals are transported in poor conditions over long periods of time, this is also a welfare concern.
Without a system for the identification and registration of dogs and cats, which is accessible across the EU, there is currently little traceability when animals are moved over borders.
We are calling for:
- EU legislation requiring the compulsory permanent identification and registration of dogs and cats on an appropriate database, which is linked to an EU database. This would allow traceability to help protect animal health and welfare, public health and improve consumer protection.
- The proper enforcement of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations. This Regulation applies to dogs and cats which are transported in connection with an economic activity. Animals must be fit to travel and not transported in a way likely to cause them injury or undue suffering.